


Listed below are acronyms seen throughout this website and in other INRCOG correspondence that are used to identify various plans, grants, publications, and agencies.


Affordable Housing Program
Community Builder Plan
CDBG Community Development Block Grant
CEBA Community Economic Betterment Account
CEDS Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy
CEPP Community Economic Preparedness Program
CIRAS Center of Industrial Research and Service
CQR Community Quick Reference
DED Department of Economic Development
DHS Department of Human Services
DNR Department of Natural Resources
DOT Department of Transportation
EDA Economic Development Administration
EDSA Economic Development Set-Aside
EFSP Emergency Food and Shelter Program
EMD Emergency Management Division
FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency
FHLB Federal Home Loan Bank
FHWA Federal Highway Administration
FTA Federal Transit Administration
HAAPP Housing Assessment and Action Planning Program
HIRE Helping Iowa's Rural Economy
HMGP Hazard Mitigation Grant Program
HUD Housing and Urban Development
HVAAA Hawkeye Valley Area Agency on Aging
IARC Iowa Association of Regional Councils
IDED Iowa Department of Economic Development
IDM Institute for Decision Making
IDNR Iowa Department of Natural Resources
IFA Iowa Finance Authority
INRCC/CA Iowa Northland Regional City Clerks/County Auditors Association
INRCOG Iowa Northland Regional Council of Governments
INREDC Iowa Northland Regional Economic Development Commission
INRHC Iowa Northland Regional Housing Council
INRTA Iowa Northland Regional Transportation Authority
IWE Iowa Waste Exchange
IWRC Iowa Waste Reduction Center
LESA Land Evaluation and Site Assessment
LHAP Local Housing Assistance Program
MPO Metropolitan Planning Organization
PFSA Public Facilities Set-Aside
RBEG Rural Business Enterprise Grant
RBOG Rural Business Opportunity Grant
RD Rural Development (formerly FmHA)
REAP Resource Enhancement and Protection
RISE Revitalize Iowa's Sound Economy
RPA Regional Planning Affiliation
RTA Regional Transportation Authority

Regional Transit Commission

SCORE Service Corps of Retired Executives
STEP Shaping Tomorrow's Economic Progress
STIP State Transportation Improvement Program
SWAP Solid Waste Alternatives Program
TIF Tax Increment Financing
TIP Transportation Improvement Program
TPWP Transportation Planning Work Program
UNI University of Northern Iowa
USDA United States Department of Agriculture